Doctor Who (1963)
Doctor Who ist eine britische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die seit 1963 von der BBC produziert wird. Sie handelt von einem mysteriösen Zeitreisenden, der nur als "Der Doktor" bekannt ist. Er reist mit seinen Begleitern in einer Zeit-Raum-Maschine, der TARDIS, die von außen wie eine altmodische, britische Polizei-Notrufzelle aussieht. Der Doktor trifft dabei auf eine Vielfalt von Gegnern, hilft den Leuten, denen er begegnet, und rettet ganze Zivilisationen. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Family | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 1963-08-26 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Family | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 1963-08-26 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min
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Season 26 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
14 | Der Tod auf leisen Sohlen (3) | 1989-12-06 |
13 | Der Tod auf leisen Sohlen (2) | 1989-11-29 |
12 | Der Tod auf leisen Sohlen (1) | 1989-11-22 |
11 | Die Todesbucht der Wikinger (4) | 1989-11-15 |
10 | Die Todesbucht der Wikinger (3) | 1989-11-08 |
9 | Die Todesbucht der Wikinger (2) | 1989-11-01 |
8 | Die Todesbucht der Wikinger (1) | 1989-10-25 |
7 | Das Haus der tausend Schrecken (3) | 1989-10-18 |
6 | Das Haus der tausend Schrecken (2) | 1989-10-11 |
5 | Das Haus der tausend Schrecken (1) | 1989-10-04 |
4 | Excaliburs Vermächtnis (4) | 1989-09-27 |
3 | Excaliburs Vermächtnis (3) | 1989-09-20 |
2 | Excaliburs Vermächtnis (2) | 1989-09-13 |
1 | Excaliburs Vermächtnis (1) | 1989-09-06 |
Season 25 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
14 | Die Todesmanege auf Segonax (4) | 1989-01-04 |
13 | Die Todesmanege auf Segonax (3) | 1988-12-28 |
12 | Die Todesmanege auf Segonax (2) | 1988-12-21 |
11 | Die Todesmanege auf Segonax (1) | 1988-12-14 |
10 | Das Vermächtnis der Nemesis (3) | 1988-12-07 |
9 | Das Vermächtnis der Nemesis (2) | 1988-11-30 |
8 | Das Vermächtnis der Nemesis (1) | 1988-11-23 |
7 | Die Macht der Fröhlichkeits-Polizei (3) | 1988-11-16 |
6 | Die Macht der Fröhlichkeits-Polizei (2) | 1988-11-09 |
5 | Die Macht der Fröhlichkeits-Polizei (1) | 1988-11-02 |
4 | Die Hand des Omega (4) | 1988-10-26 |
3 | Die Hand des Omega (3) | 1988-10-19 |
2 | Die Hand des Omega (2) | 1988-10-12 |
1 | Die Hand des Omega (1) | 1988-10-05 |
Season 24 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
14 | Das Feuer des Drachen (3) | 1987-12-07 |
13 | Das Feuer des Drachen (2) | 1987-11-30 |
12 | Das Feuer des Drachen (1) | 1987-11-23 |
11 | Delta & die Bannermänner (3) | 1987-11-16 |
10 | Delta & die Bannermänner (2) | 1987-11-09 |
9 | Delta & die Bannermänner (1) | 1987-11-02 |
8 | Der Fluch des Kroagnon (4) | 1987-10-26 |
7 | Der Fluch des Kroagnon (3) | 1987-10-19 |
6 | Der Fluch des Kroagnon (2) | 1987-10-12 |
5 | Der Fluch des Kroagnon (1) | 1987-10-05 |
4 | Terror auf Lakertia (4) | 1987-09-28 |
3 | Terror auf Lakertia (3) | 1987-09-21 |
2 | Terror auf Lakertia (2) | 1987-09-14 |
1 | Terror auf Lakertia (1) | 1987-09-07 |
Season 23 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
14 | Das Urteil: Der schlimmste Feind (2) | 1986-12-06 |
13 | Das Urteil: Der schlimmste Feind (1) | 1986-11-29 |
12 | Das Urteil: Vervoid Terror (4) | 1986-11-22 |
11 | Das Urteil: Vervoid Terror (3) | 1986-11-15 |
10 | Das Urteil: Vervoid Terror (2) | 1986-11-08 |
9 | Das Urteil: Vervoid Terror (1) | 1986-11-01 |
8 | Das Urteil: Mindwarp (4) | 1986-10-25 |
7 | Das Urteil: Mindwarp (3) | 1986-10-18 |
6 | Das Urteil: Mindwarp (2) | 1986-10-11 |
5 | Das Urteil: Mindwarp (1) | 1986-10-04 |
4 | Das Urteil: Der rätselhafte Planet (4) | 1986-09-27 |
3 | Das Urteil: Der rätselhafte Planet (3) | 1986-09-20 |
2 | Das Urteil: Der rätselhafte Planet (2) | 1986-09-13 |
1 | Das Urteil: Der rätselhafte Planet (1) | 1986-09-06 |
0 | Mindwarp (Special Edition) |
Season 22 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
13 | Planet der Toten (2) | 1985-03-30 |
12 | Planet der Toten (1) | 1985-03-23 |
11 | Das Amulett (2) | 1985-03-16 |
10 | Das Amulett (1) | 1985-03-09 |
9 | Androiden in Sivillia (3) | 1985-03-02 |
8 | Androiden in Sivillia (2) | 1985-02-23 |
7 | Androiden in Sivillia (1) | 1985-02-16 |
6 | Die Rache des Meisters (2) | 1985-02-09 |
5 | Die Rache des Meisters (1) | 1985-02-02 |
4 | Revolte auf Varos (2) | 1985-01-26 |
3 | Revolte auf Varos (1) | 1985-01-19 |
2 | Angriff der Kybermänner (2) | 1985-01-12 |
1 | Angriff der Kybermänner (1) | 1985-01-05 |
Season 21 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | Zweimal Einstein (4) | 1984-03-30 |
25 | Zweimal Einstein (3) | 1984-03-29 |
24 | Zweimal Einstein (2) | 1984-03-23 |
23 | Zweimal Einstein (1) | 1984-03-22 |
22 | Die Höhlen von Androzani (4) | 1984-03-16 |
21 | Die Höhlen von Androzani (3) | 1984-03-15 |
20 | Die Höhlen von Androzani (2) | 1984-03-09 |
19 | Die Höhlen von Androzani (1) | 1984-03-08 |
18 | Feuerplanet (4) | 1984-03-02 |
17 | Feuerplanet (3) | 1984-03-01 |
16 | Feuerplanet (2) | 1984-02-24 |
15 | Feuerplanet (1) | 1984-02-23 |
14 | Die Auferstehung der Daleks (4) | 1984-02-15 |
13 | Die Auferstehung der Daleks (3) | 1984-02-15 |
12 | Die Auferstehung der Daleks (2) | 1984-02-08 |
11 | Die Auferstehung der Daleks (1) | 1984-02-08 |
10 | Frontios (4) | 1984-02-03 |
9 | Frontios (3) | 1984-02-02 |
8 | Frontios (2) | 1984-01-27 |
7 | Frontios (1) | 1984-01-26 |
6 | The Awakening (2) | 1984-01-20 |
5 | The Awakening (1) | 1984-01-19 |
4 | Warriors of the Deep (4) | 1984-01-13 |
3 | Warriors of the Deep (3) | 1984-01-12 |
2 | Warriors of the Deep (2) | 1984-01-06 |
1 | Warriors of the Deep (1) | 1984-01-05 |
Season 20 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
22 | The King's Demons (2) | 1983-03-16 |
21 | The King's Demons (1) | 1983-03-15 |
20 | Enlightenment (4) | 1983-03-09 |
19 | Enlightenment (3) | 1983-03-08 |
18 | Enlightenment (2) | 1983-03-02 |
17 | Enlightenment (1) | 1983-03-01 |
16 | Terminus (4) | 1983-02-23 |
15 | Terminus (3) | 1983-02-22 |
14 | Terminus (2) | 1983-02-16 |
13 | Terminus (1) | 1983-02-15 |
12 | Mawdryn Undead (4) | 1983-02-09 |
11 | Mawdryn Undead (3) | 1983-02-08 |
10 | Mawdryn Undead (2) | 1983-02-02 |
9 | Mawdryn Undead (1) | 1983-02-01 |
8 | Snakedance (4) | 1983-01-26 |
7 | Snakedance (3) | 1983-01-25 |
6 | Snakedance (2) | 1983-01-19 |
5 | Snakedance (1) | 1983-01-18 |
4 | Arc of Infinity (4) | 1983-01-12 |
3 | Arc of Infinity (3) | 1983-01-11 |
2 | Arc of Infinity (2) | 1983-01-05 |
1 | Arc of Infinity (1) | 1983-01-03 |
Season 19 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | Time-Flight (4) | 1982-03-30 |
25 | Time-Flight (3) | 1982-03-29 |
24 | Time-Flight (2) | 1982-03-23 |
23 | Time-Flight (1) | 1982-03-22 |
22 | Erdstoß (4) | 1982-03-16 |
21 | Erdstoß (3) | 1982-03-15 |
20 | Erdstoß (2) | 1982-03-09 |
19 | Erdstoß (1) | 1982-03-08 |
18 | Die schwarze Orchidee (2) | 1982-03-02 |
17 | Die schwarze Orchidee (1) | 1982-03-01 |
16 | Die Heimsuchung (4) | 1982-02-23 |
15 | Die Heimsuchung (3) | 1982-02-22 |
14 | Die Heimsuchung (2) | 1982-02-16 |
13 | Die Heimsuchung (1) | 1982-02-15 |
12 | Kinda (4) | 1982-02-09 |
11 | Kinda (3) | 1982-02-08 |
10 | Kinda (2) | 1982-02-02 |
9 | Kinda (1) | 1982-02-01 |
8 | Vier vor Zwölf (4) | 1982-01-26 |
7 | Vier vor Zwölf (3) | 1982-01-25 |
6 | Vier vor Zwölf (2) | 1982-01-19 |
5 | Vier vor Zwölf (1) | 1982-01-18 |
4 | Castrovalva (4) | 1982-01-12 |
3 | Castrovalva (3) | 1982-01-11 |
2 | Castrovalva (2) | 1982-01-05 |
1 | Castrovalva (1) | 1982-01-04 |
Season 18 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
28 | Logopolis (4) | 1981-03-21 |
27 | Logopolis (3) | 1981-03-14 |
26 | Logopolis (2) | 1981-03-07 |
25 | Logopolis (1) | 1981-02-28 |
24 | Der Wächter von Traken (4) | 1981-02-21 |
23 | Der Wächter von Traken (3) | 1981-02-14 |
22 | Der Wächter von Traken (2) | 1981-02-07 |
21 | Der Wächter von Traken (1) | 1981-01-31 |
20 | Warriors' Gate (4) | 1981-01-24 |
19 | Warriors' Gate (3) | 1981-01-17 |
18 | Warriors' Gate (2) | 1981-01-10 |
17 | Warriors' Gate (1) | 1981-01-03 |
16 | State of Decay (4) | 1980-12-13 |
15 | State of Decay (3) | 1980-12-06 |
14 | State of Decay (2) | 1980-11-29 |
13 | State of Decay (1) | 1980-11-22 |
12 | Full Circle (4) | 1980-11-15 |
11 | Full Circle (3) | 1980-11-08 |
10 | Full Circle (2) | 1980-11-01 |
9 | Full Circle (1) | 1980-10-25 |
8 | Meglos (4) | 1980-10-18 |
7 | Meglos (3) | 1980-10-11 |
6 | Meglos (2) | 1980-10-04 |
5 | Meglos (1) | 1980-09-27 |
4 | The Leisure Hive (4) | 1980-09-20 |
3 | The Leisure Hive (3) | 1980-09-13 |
2 | The Leisure Hive (2) | 1980-09-06 |
1 | The Leisure Hive (1) | 1980-08-30 |
Season 17 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | Shada (6) | |
25 | Shada (5) | |
24 | Shada (4) | |
23 | Shada (3) | |
22 | Shada (2) | |
21 | Shada (1) | |
20 | The Horns of Nimon (4) | 1980-01-12 |
19 | The Horns of Nimon (3) | 1980-01-05 |
18 | The Horns of Nimon (2) | 1979-12-29 |
17 | The Horns of Nimon (1) | 1979-12-22 |
16 | Nightmare of Eden (4) | 1979-12-15 |
15 | Nightmare of Eden (3) | 1979-12-08 |
14 | Nightmare of Eden (2) | 1979-12-01 |
13 | Nightmare of Eden (1) | 1979-11-24 |
12 | The Creature from the Pit (4) | 1979-11-17 |
11 | The Creature from the Pit (3) | 1979-11-10 |
10 | The Creature from the Pit (2) | 1979-11-03 |
9 | The Creature from the Pit (1) | 1979-10-27 |
8 | City of Death (4) | 1979-10-20 |
7 | City of Death (3) | 1979-10-13 |
6 | City of Death (2) | 1979-10-06 |
5 | City of Death (1) | 1979-09-29 |
4 | Destiny of the Daleks (4) | 1979-09-22 |
3 | Destiny of the Daleks (3) | 1979-09-15 |
2 | Destiny of the Daleks (2) | 1979-09-08 |
1 | Destiny of the Daleks (1) | 1979-09-01 |
Season 16 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | The Armageddon Factor (6) | 1979-02-24 |
25 | The Armageddon Factor (5) | 1979-02-17 |
24 | The Armageddon Factor (4) | 1979-02-10 |
23 | The Armageddon Factor (3) | 1979-02-03 |
22 | The Armageddon Factor (2) | 1979-01-27 |
21 | The Armageddon Factor (1) | 1979-01-20 |
20 | The Power of Kroll (4) | 1979-01-13 |
19 | The Power of Kroll (3) | 1979-01-06 |
18 | The Power of Kroll (2) | 1978-12-30 |
17 | The Power of Kroll (1) | 1978-12-23 |
16 | The Androids of Tara (4) | 1978-12-16 |
15 | The Androids of Tara (3) | 1978-12-09 |
14 | The Androids of Tara (2) | 1978-12-02 |
13 | The Androids of Tara (1) | 1978-11-25 |
12 | The Stones of Blood (4) | 1978-11-18 |
11 | The Stones of Blood (3) | 1978-11-11 |
10 | The Stones of Blood (2) | 1978-11-04 |
9 | The Stones of Blood (1) | 1978-10-28 |
8 | The Pirate Planet (4) | 1978-10-21 |
7 | The Pirate Planet (3) | 1978-10-14 |
6 | The Pirate Planet (2) | 1978-10-07 |
5 | The Pirate Planet (1) | 1978-09-30 |
4 | The Ribos Operation (4) | 1978-09-23 |
3 | The Ribos Operation (3) | 1978-09-16 |
2 | The Ribos Operation (2) | 1978-09-09 |
1 | The Ribos Operation (1) | 1978-09-02 |
Season 15 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | The Invasion of Time (6) | 1978-03-11 |
25 | The Invasion of Time (5) | 1978-03-04 |
24 | The Invasion of Time (4) | 1978-02-25 |
23 | The Invasion of Time (3) | 1978-02-18 |
22 | The Invasion of Time (2) | 1978-02-11 |
21 | The Invasion of Time (1) | 1978-02-04 |
20 | Underworld (4) | 1978-01-28 |
19 | Underworld (3) | 1978-01-21 |
18 | Underworld (2) | 1978-01-14 |
17 | Underworld (1) | 1978-01-07 |
16 | The Sun Makers (4) | 1977-12-17 |
15 | The Sun Makers (3) | 1977-12-10 |
14 | The Sun Makers (2) | 1977-12-03 |
13 | The Sun Makers (1) | 1977-11-26 |
12 | Image of the Fendahl (4) | 1977-11-19 |
11 | Image of the Fendahl (3) | 1977-11-12 |
10 | Image of the Fendahl (2) | 1977-11-05 |
9 | Image of the Fendahl (1) | 1977-10-29 |
8 | The Invisible Enemy (4) | 1977-10-22 |
7 | The Invisible Enemy (3) | 1977-10-15 |
6 | The Invisible Enemy (2) | 1977-10-08 |
5 | The Invisible Enemy (1) | 1977-10-01 |
4 | Horror of Fang Rock (4) | 1977-09-24 |
3 | Horror of Fang Rock (3) | 1977-09-17 |
2 | Horror of Fang Rock (2) | 1977-09-10 |
1 | Horror of Fang Rock (1) | 1977-09-03 |
Season 13 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | The Seeds of Doom (6) | 1976-03-06 |
25 | The Seeds of Doom (5) | 1976-02-28 |
24 | The Seeds of Doom (4) | 1976-02-21 |
23 | The Seeds of Doom (3) | 1976-02-14 |
22 | The Seeds of Doom (2) | 1976-02-07 |
21 | The Seeds of Doom (1) | 1976-01-31 |
20 | The Brain of Morbius (4) | 1976-01-24 |
19 | The Brain of Morbius (3) | 1976-01-17 |
18 | The Brain of Morbius (2) | 1976-01-10 |
17 | The Brain of Morbius (1) | 1976-01-03 |
16 | The Android Invasion (4) | 1975-12-13 |
15 | The Android Invasion (3) | 1975-12-06 |
14 | The Android Invasion (2) | 1975-11-29 |
13 | The Android Invasion (1) | 1975-11-22 |
12 | Pyramids of Mars (4) | 1975-11-15 |
11 | Pyramids of Mars (3) | 1975-11-08 |
10 | Pyramids of Mars (2) | 1975-11-01 |
9 | Pyramids of Mars (1) | 1975-10-25 |
8 | Planet of Evil (4) | 1975-10-18 |
7 | Planet of Evil (3) | 1975-10-11 |
6 | Planet of Evil (2) | 1975-10-04 |
5 | Planet of Evil (1) | 1975-09-27 |
4 | Terror of the Zygons (4) | 1975-09-20 |
3 | Terror of the Zygons (3) | 1975-09-13 |
2 | Terror of the Zygons (2) | 1975-09-06 |
1 | Terror of the Zygons (1) | 1975-08-30 |
Season 12 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
20 | Die Rache der Cybermen (4) | 1975-05-10 |
19 | Die Rache der Cybermen (3) | 1975-05-03 |
18 | Die Rache der Cybermen (2) | 1975-04-26 |
17 | Die Rache der Cybermen (1) | 1975-04-19 |
16 | Genesis of the Daleks (6) | 1975-04-12 |
15 | Genesis of the Daleks (5) | 1975-04-05 |
14 | Genesis of the Daleks (4) | 1975-03-29 |
13 | Genesis of the Daleks (3) | 1975-03-22 |
12 | Genesis of the Daleks (2) | 1975-03-15 |
11 | Genesis of the Daleks (1) | 1975-03-08 |
10 | The Sontaran Experiment (2) | 1975-03-01 |
9 | The Sontaran Experiment (1) | 1975-02-22 |
8 | The Ark in Space (4) | 1975-02-15 |
7 | The Ark in Space (3) | 1975-02-08 |
6 | The Ark in Space (2) | 1975-02-01 |
5 | Die Arche im Weltraum (Teil 1) | 1975-01-25 |
4 | Robot (4) | 1975-01-18 |
3 | Robot (3) | 1975-01-11 |
2 | Robot (2) | 1975-01-04 |
1 | Robot (1) | 1974-12-28 |
Season 10 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | The Green Death (6) | 1973-06-23 |
25 | The Green Death (5) | 1973-06-16 |
24 | The Green Death (4) | 1973-06-09 |
23 | The Green Death (3) | 1973-06-02 |
22 | The Green Death (2) | 1973-05-26 |
21 | The Green Death (1) | 1973-05-19 |
20 | Planet of the Daleks (6) | 1973-05-12 |
19 | Planet of the Daleks (5) | 1973-05-05 |
18 | Planet of the Daleks (4) | 1973-04-28 |
17 | Planet of the Daleks (3) | 1973-04-21 |
16 | Planet of the Daleks (2) | 1973-04-14 |
15 | Planet of the Daleks (1) | 1973-04-07 |
14 | Frontier in Space (6) | 1973-03-31 |
13 | Frontier in Space (5) | 1973-03-24 |
12 | Frontier in Space (4) | 1973-03-17 |
11 | Frontier in Space (3) | 1973-03-10 |
10 | Frontier in Space (2) | 1973-03-03 |
9 | Frontier in Space (1) | 1973-02-24 |
8 | Carnival of Monsters (4) | 1973-02-17 |
7 | Carnival of Monsters (3) | 1973-02-10 |
6 | Carnival of Monsters (2) | 1973-02-03 |
5 | Carnival of Monsters (1) | 1973-01-27 |
4 | The Three Doctors (4) | 1973-01-20 |
3 | The Three Doctors (3) | 1973-01-13 |
2 | The Three Doctors (2) | 1973-01-06 |
1 | The Three Doctors (1) | 1972-12-30 |
Season 9 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
26 | The Time Monster (6) | 1972-06-24 |
25 | The Time Monster (5) | 1972-06-17 |
24 | The Time Monster (4) | 1972-06-10 |
23 | The Time Monster (3) | 1972-06-03 |
22 | The Time Monster (2) | 1972-05-27 |
21 | The Time Monster (1) | 1972-05-20 |
20 | The Mutants (6) | 1972-05-13 |
19 | The Mutants (5) | 1972-05-06 |
18 | The Mutants (4) | 1972-04-29 |
17 | The Mutants (3) | 1972-04-22 |
16 | The Mutants (2) | 1972-04-15 |
15 | The Mutants (1) | 1972-04-08 |
14 | The Sea Devils (6) | 1972-04-01 |
13 | The Sea Devils (5) | 1972-03-25 |
12 | The Sea Devils (4) | 1972-03-18 |
11 | The Sea Devils (3) | 1972-03-11 |
10 | The Sea Devils (2) | 1972-03-04 |
9 | The Sea Devils (1) | 1972-02-26 |
8 | The Curse of Peladon (4) | 1972-02-19 |
7 | The Curse of Peladon (3) | 1972-02-12 |
6 | The Curse of Peladon (2) | 1972-02-05 |
5 | The Curse of Peladon (1) | 1972-01-29 |
4 | Day of the Daleks (4) | 1972-01-22 |
3 | Day of the Daleks (3) | 1972-01-15 |
2 | Day of the Daleks (2) | 1972-01-08 |
1 | Day of the Daleks (1) | 1972-01-01 |
Season 8 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
25 | The Dæmons (5) | 1971-06-19 |
24 | The Dæmons (4) | 1971-06-12 |
23 | The Dæmons (3) | 1971-06-05 |
22 | The Dæmons (2) | 1971-05-29 |
21 | The Dæmons (1) | 1971-05-22 |
20 | Colony in Space (6) | 1971-05-15 |
19 | Colony in Space (5) | 1971-05-08 |
18 | Colony in Space (4) | 1971-05-01 |
17 | Colony in Space (3) | 1971-04-24 |
16 | Colony in Space (2) | 1971-04-17 |
15 | Colony in Space (1) | 1971-04-10 |
14 | The Claws of Axos (4) | 1971-04-03 |
13 | The Claws of Axos (3) | 1971-03-27 |
12 | The Claws of Axos (2) | 1971-03-20 |
11 | The Claws of Axos (1) | 1971-03-13 |
10 | The Mind of Evil (6) | 1971-03-06 |
9 | The Mind of Evil (5) | 1971-02-27 |
8 | The Mind of Evil (4) | 1971-02-20 |
7 | The Mind of Evil (3) | 1971-02-13 |
6 | The Mind of Evil (2) | 1971-02-06 |
5 | Die Maschine des Bösen (1) | 1971-01-30 |
4 | Terror of the Autons (4) | 1971-01-23 |
3 | Terror of the Autons (3) | 1971-01-16 |
2 | Terror of the Autons (2) | 1971-01-09 |
1 | Terror of the Autons (1) | 1971-01-02 |
Season 7 (anzeigen/ausblenden) | ||
25 | Inferno (7) | 1970-06-20 |
24 | Inferno (6) | 1970-06-13 |
23 | Inferno (5) | 1970-06-06 |
22 | Inferno (4) | 1970-05-30 |
21 | Inferno (3) | 1970-05-23 |
20 | Inferno (2) | 1970-05-16 |
19 | Inferno (1) | 1970-05-09 |
18 | The Ambassadors of Death (7) | 1970-05-02 |
17 | The Ambassadors of Death (6) | 1970-04-25 |
16 | The Ambassadors of Death (5) | 1970-04-18 |
15 | The Ambassadors of Death (4) | 1970-04-11 |
14 | The Ambassadors of Death (3) | 1970-04-04 |
13 | The Ambassadors of Death (2) | 1970-03-28 |
12 | The Ambassadors of Death (1) | 1970-03-21 |
11 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (7) | 1970-03-14 |
10 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (6) | 1970-03-07 |
9 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (5) | 1970-02-28 |
8 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (4) | 1970-02-21 |
7 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (3) | 1970-02-14 |
6 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (2) | 1970-02-07 |
5 | Doctor Who and the Silurians (1) | 1970-01-31 |
4 | Spearhead from Space (4) | 1970-01-24 |
3 | Spearhead from Space (3) | 1970-01-17 |
2 | Spearhead from Space (2) | 1970-01-10 |
1 | Spearhead from Space (1) | 1970-01-03 |
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