Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Auf Wiedersehen My Pet will see pet owners who for genuine personal reasons have to make the tough decision to give up their much-loved animals. The current owners may be moving abroad or perhaps for medical reasons can no longer give their animal the attention it needs. They will be matched with a trio of potential new owners, all desperate to offer the pet a loving new home. The 20-part series of hour-long episodes will feature a range of animals including dogs, horses, cats, guinea pigs and parrots, and each programme will focus on one owner and their pet, as they are given the opportunity to meet potential new owners, get to know their families and see around their homes. (Quelle:
Genre: Drama
Erstausstahlung: 2014-03-17 Status: Ended Dauer: 60 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
20 Revisit Show2014-04-11
19 Milo Jo the Dog2014-04-10
18 Rosie the Dog2014-04-09
17 Isis and Cerce the Rabbits2014-04-08
16 Gloria Jane the Dog2014-04-07
15 Revisit Show2014-04-04
14 George the Parrot2014-04-03
13 Molly the Cat2014-04-02
12 Bob and Tiggy the Guinea Pigs2014-04-01
11 Tyson the Dog2014-03-31
10 Revisit show2014-03-28
9 Rocky the Horse2014-03-27
8 Baloo the Dog2014-03-26
7 Toby the Parrot2014-03-25
6 Billy and Tilly the Pygmy Goats2014-03-24
5 Revisit2014-03-21
4 Missy the Dog2014-03-20
3 Summer, Oliver, Maggie and Poppy Guinea Pigs2014-03-19
2 Skye the Horse2014-03-18
1 Rosie the Terrier2014-03-17


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