Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Der Herrscher des Glatzkopfimperiums Karl Kahlkopf IV befiehlt die Jagd auf die gesamten Haare seines Königreichs. Der Rebell Bo-bobo erhebt dagegen Widerstand. Auch bekannt als „Fist of the Nose Hair“ können seine Nasenhaare zu tödlichen Ketten werden und so tritt er gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden gegen die Haarjäger an ... (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy | Fantasy | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 2003-11-08 Status: Ended Dauer: 30 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
76 Finally! The Final Fight of Finality! This Time We Mean It! / Finally the Final-Final Battle to End All Battles, FOREVER!2007-04-14
75 Finally! The Final Fight of Finality! Except the Final One! / The Raging Super Bo-Bobo! Inside the Giant Nose Hair, Bears Come Out!?2007-04-07
74 The Bigger the Gasser – The Smellier the Gas! / This Isn't Really Part 2, Since We Didn't Finish with Part 12007-03-31
73 Take a Stance Against the Dance, Mr. Smarty Pants! / Samba de Bo-bobo!! Yaksha to Mountain Witch to Sambaman!?2007-03-24
72 Si Señor, It's No Bore! It's Hair Hunters Galore! / TV Time! Turn It On, Tune It In, Throw It Away!2007-03-17
71 Funneled into a Tunnel and Bamboozled By Noodles! / Hey, Whose Show Is This Anyway?!2007-03-10
70 Baldy Bald Bottoms Out! Best of Luck, Be Well and Bye-Bye! / The New Villain! Is It One? Is It Two? Is It Hundreds?!2007-03-03
69 Yummy, Yummy, Yummy! Bo-bobo's in My Tummy! / Eat Bo-bobo and Transform! He Looks Pathetic But He's Super Strong!!2007-02-24
68 The Battle of Baldy Bald! Buckle Up and Brace Yourself! / OVER Easy vs. Sunny-Side Up vs. Scrambled! The Ultimate Breakfast Showdown!2007-02-17
67 The Pacifist That Packs a Punch Like a Pugilist / The Devil's Door Opens...! The Emperor of Darkness Finally Moves!!2007-02-10
66 Fishcake Frenzy! A Freeze Dried, French Fried, Freaked Out Fracas! / Generalissimo Fishcake, Hasta La Bye-Bye2007-02-03
65 The Unreal Meal That's a Major Ordeal For Real / Episode 65A: The Same Title as Before, Just With an A After It2007-01-27
64 Geometry 101: Painful, Perplexing, and Pungent Polygons! / What's Old Is New Again2007-01-20
63 Our Dream Team Turns Bad Dreams to Bad Guys' Screams / Is Lambada a... Big Tostada?2007-01-13
62 Good Night! Sleep Tight! And Don't Let the Bedbugs Bug Ya! / Final Battle in Rem's Rest Realm2007-01-06
61 United We Stand, Divided We Also Stand, Just Further Apart! / Don Patch: The Painted Years2006-12-30
60 Blowing Your Savings on Bubbles. Is It Worth It? / The Rice Prince Will Make You Wince2006-12-23
59 Enemy Cruisin' for a Bruisin'? then Just Try Fusion! / Torpedo Girl, My Subhuman Romance2006-12-16
58 Face the Cold Hard Facts! It's Freezing in Here! / Chill Out, Brussel Sprout! We're Gonna Put This Fight on Ice!2006-12-09
57 The Water Slide That's Bona Fide to Leave You Terrified! / Our Torpedo Hero Fights a Commando Like a Tornado!2006-12-02
56 The Ultimate SF Battle! Supreme Fisticuffs or Certain Free-for-All! / All Aboard! The Nightmare Tour is About to Begin!2006-11-25
55 The Gang's All Here! And Boy, Are They Weird! / Rivalist Factions and a Cool Robot Action with a Cherry on Top!2006-11-18
54 The War of the Roses... or Lilacs... or Daffodils / Someone Get Me Out of This Hot Whirlpool!2006-11-11
53 Dancin' and Trainin' for Quickly Attainin' the Enemy's Painin' / A Rose by Any Other Name Would Be Called Something Else!2006-11-04
52 Gasser's Back! A Whole New Season, Same Old Stench / Don Patch! The Man, the Myth, the Mouth!2006-10-28
51 The Art of Art and the Fist of All Fists!2006-10-21
50 Giga ist Gaga2006-10-14
49 Kampf der Köpfe2006-10-07
48 Die große Songattacke2006-09-30
47 Der Knoblauch-Zwiebel-Kopf2006-09-23
46 Büchereien und Fahrprüfungen2006-09-16
45 Der Bungee-Kampf2006-09-09
44 Die Schlacht in Cyber City2006-09-02
43 Halekulanis Untergang2006-08-26
42 Das nervige Brettspiel2006-08-19
41 Die magische Schlacht2006-08-12
40 Halekulanis Geldfalle2006-08-05
39 Die tolldreisten Drillinge2006-07-29
38 Cash oder gar nix2006-07-22
37 Die heldenhaften Kinder2006-07-15
36 Ach, du dickes Ei-Land2006-07-08
35 Es ist vorbei, vorbei!2006-07-01
34 Torpedo Girl2006-06-24
33 Abgerechnet wird zum Schluß2006-06-17
32 Gestatten, Bobo-Patch-Speise2006-06-10
31 Das Toilettenstadion2006-06-03
30 Die fünf Auftragskiller2006-05-27
29 Die ausgeflippte Reis-Diät2006-05-20
28 Total verreist2006-05-13
27 Delphine und ein Taschentuch2006-05-06
26 Lecker-Schmecker-Mann – Kobold oder Pit Bull2006-04-29
25 Die Fernsehfalle2006-04-15
24 Die fiese Spielshow2006-04-08
23 Im Haus des Bösen2006-03-25
22 Haarald, der Traumtyp2006-03-18
21 Der Entscheidungskampf2006-03-11
20 Die Welt von Plappermaul2006-03-04
19 Wer besteht den Test?2006-02-25
18 Der Pomadenring2006-02-18
17 Entensterz vs. Afro2006-02-11
16 Die haarstäubende Jobsuche2006-02-04
15 Glatzengeneral Götterspeise2006-01-28
14 Die Geister-Hochzeitsgesellschaft2006-01-21
13 Bo-Bobos rappende Achterbahnfahrt2006-01-14
12 Im Nasenhaar-Dojo2006-01-07
11 Der verrückte Vergnügungspark2005-12-17
10 Irgendetwas stinkt hier2005-12-10
9 Der rettende Stinker2005-12-03
8 Verrückt nach Erdbeereis2005-11-26
7 Die Miss-Hühnchen-Wahl2005-11-19
6 Pasta-Prinz und Pasta-Primadonna2005-11-12
5 Sein oder nicht Schleim oder: Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische2005-10-29
4 Bababa-Ba Ba-Bab, der ehrenwerte Nasenhaar-König2005-10-22
3 Die Quatsch quatschende Quietsch-Ente2005-10-15
2 Der Ausflipp-Wettbewerb2005-10-08
1 Der Bo-mbastische Bo-schützer des Haares2003-11-08
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
1 The Time Has Come! Reopened and Refurbished!! It's Finally Here! The Age of Patches!2004-10-23


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