Time Bokan

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Time Bokan (タイムボカン Taimubokan?) is a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced eight spinoff programs as part of the "Time Bokan Series" and three modern shows. The series promoted the idea of heroes helping others and stoping the planes of three people who were being led by a "King of Evil" (idea later used in pokemon for Team Rocket).Show era series: Time Bokan (1975-1976), Yatterman (1977-1979), Zenderman (1979-1980), Otasukeman (1980-1981), Yattodetaman (1981-1982), Gyakuten! Ippatsuman(1982-1983), Itadakiman (1983), Time Bokan 2000: Kaitou Kiramekiman(2000), Yatterman Night (2015), Time Bokan 24 (2017-2018) (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 1975-10-04 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min

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Season 4 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
53 Shine! Otasukeman of the world
32 Pirate King Ojama Man?!
31 UFO robber strange events?!
30 Ieyasu of raccoon dog warrior?!
29 Father of Hinebotto?!
28 Century of beauty all set?!
27 Dracula's Castle of fear?!
26 Summer patrol
25 Reclaim the treasure chest of the Secretary?!
24 Shingen Takeda disappeared?!
23 Time running away from home of Sekobitchi?!
22 Flower of the continent interruption railway?!
21 Mysterious monster Meerian?!
20 Kerosene ship Bunzaemon?!
19 Tavern angel Nightingale?!
18 Is there'll wing lie of light?!
17 Octopus fried of Franklin?!
16 Mermaid Tsukai Andersen?!
15 Shinsengumi to the Suez Canal?!
14 Handstand Buddha of Nara city?!
13 Ojama Man No. 4 birth?!
12 People that staring of Rodin?!
11 Rival of Atasha?!
10 Lawrence of error?!
9 Poppy friendly woman?!
8 South Pole large race?!
7 Water Fabre Symbol?!
6 Vice declaration of Lincoln?!
5 New discoveries of Galileo?!
4 New members finally appeared
3 Tenth of Beethoven!?
2 Wine Emperor Napoleon
1 Otasukeman VS Ojama Man
Season 3 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
8 Don Manjiro! It's Zendaman2019-03-24
7 Run Hakuba! Zendaman2019-03-17
6 Large march's eight characters Army! Zenderman2019-03-10
5 The month of Yoshimaru large career! Zenderman2019-03-03
4 Yamatai Country! Zendaman2019-02-24
3 The Garden of Eden! Zendaman2019-02-17
2 It's Ryugu Castle! Zendaman2019-02-10
1 Invincible is Great! Zendaman2019-02-03
Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
108 Mr. Flustered`s Fight1979-01-27
107 Dodison`s Great Discovery1979-01-20
106 Ginjirou Ninomiya1979-01-13
105 Professor Collector1979-01-06
104 King Iya1978-12-30
103 Tour of Failures1978-12-23
102 President Yashington1978-12-16
101 Alessander the Great1978-12-09
100 Ensel and Gretol1978-12-02
22 Naibaba's Treasure1977-05-26
21 Burn! Red Three!1977-05-21
20 Comic Dance of the Underworld1977-05-14
19 Ah! Framboisenne1977-05-07
18 A Baby Panda Is Born1977-04-30
17 Meet the Beatalls!1977-04-23
16 The Queen of Yametai!1977-04-16
15 Peidi, Girl of the Nopes!1977-04-09
14 The Phantom Thief, Don Pan!1977-04-02
13 The Daunting Damazons1977-03-26
12 The Secret of Toaster Island1977-03-19
11 The Mysterious Triangle!1977-03-12
10 Nassie of Lake Nass!1977-03-05
9 The Afrishan Expedition!1977-02-26
8 The Snowman of the Imalayas1977-02-19
7 The Reo Carnival1977-02-12
6 Protect the Tonca Temple!1977-02-05
5 The Kingdom of Irock`s Treasure1977-01-29
4 The Arctic Seal!1977-01-22
3 The Great King of Flodari Beach1977-01-15
2 The Pugyptian Water-Selling Girl!1977-01-08
1 Yatterman`s Rolling Out1977-01-01
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
3 It`s a Terrifying Witch Hunt!1975-10-18
2 It`s the Greek Pratfallian War!1975-10-11
1 Set Off! It`s Time Bokan! 1975-10-04
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
3 Time Fighters
2 Reunion in the Tatsunoko Kingdom1994-01-01
1 Ticky-Ticky Waga-Waga Boko-Boko Machine Crazy Race1993-11-26

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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