Little Charley Bear

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Little Charley Bear is an enchanting CGI infant series about an imaginative and playful bear called Charley. Under the watchful eye of his friend, the Narrator, this adorable little bear uses his imagination to play and go on adventures where he discovers new things about himself and the world around him through active role play. (Quelle:
Genre: Animation | Children
Erstausstahlung: 2011-01-10 Status: Ended Dauer: 7 Min

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Season 3 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Charley And Caramel's Shop2012-02-01
12 Charley And Bellarina On Ice2012-01-31
11 Underwater Explorer Charley2012-01-30
10 Charley's Birthday Surprise2012-01-27
9 Choo Choo Charley2012-01-26
8 Hide And Seek Charley2012-01-25
7 Charley's Wonder Wellies2012-01-24
6 Bear In The Woods2012-01-23
5 Patient Charley2012-01-20
4 Charley in Space2012-01-19
3 Pirate Charley's Treasure2012-01-18
2 Charley on His Toes2012-01-17
1 Charley Makes It New2012-01-16
Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 A Bear For All Seasons
12 Charley Bounces Nibblit
11 Charley's Shadow
10 The Charleysaurus
9 Charley and His Band
8 Bear and Baby Bird
7 Charley Butters Up Caramel
6 Blown Away Bear
5 Super Strong Charley
4 Charley's Dog Day
3 Charley Over The Rainbow
2 Charley Wishes
1 Charley, Presents, Ballerina
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 Mountain Rescue Midge2011-03-14
25 Bear at Sea2011-03-11
24 Charley Races Rivet2011-03-10
23 Sandcastle for Caramel2011-03-09
22 Midges Birthday2011-03-08
21 Downhill Rivet2011-03-07
20 Charley Snaps2011-03-04
19 Charley Bear Sock Detective2011-03-03
18 Art in the Park2011-03-02
17 Castaway Charley2011-03-01
16 Scarecrow Charley2011-02-28
15 Monkeying With Midge2011-01-28
14 Snow Place for Frozo2011-01-27
13 Wild West Caramel2011-01-26
12 Farmer Bear2011-01-25
11 Ready Teddy Go2011-01-24
10 Teddy on a String2011-01-21
9 Charley Go Fish2011-01-20
8 Big Top Bellarina2011-01-19
7 Lights Shoes Nibblet2011-01-18
6 Charley's Big Match2011-01-17
5 Pop Star Charley2011-01-14
4 Big Little Charley2011-01-13
3 Charley on Safari2011-01-12
2 Basketball Midge2011-01-11
1 Teddy for Blast Off2011-01-10


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