SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron

Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron was a short-lived cartoon show produced by Hanna-Barbera that first aired in September 1993. It revolved around the feline characters of Megakat City, and its two main characters were Jake Clawson and Chance Furlong, two pilots who were thrown out of the enforcers due to a mishap and forced to work as junkyard auto mechanics to repay the damages they caused. They decided they had to do more to make amends, and therefore, Jake Clawson designed the Turbokat and became the vigilantes known was the SWAT Kats. Jake, a.k.a Razor, was the weapons system officer and Chance, a.k.a T-bone, was the pilot. Together they protected Megakat City from many foes, such as Dark Kat, Dr. Viper, The Pastmaster, Mac and Molly, a.k.a. The Metallikats, and Hard Drive. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Children | Family | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 1993-09-11 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min

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Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Kat's Eye News Report1995-01-04
12 Unlikely Alloys1994-12-24
11 The Dark Side of the Swat Kats1994-12-10
10 The Origin of Dr. Viper1994-11-26
9 Volcanus Erupts!1994-11-26
8 Caverns of Horror1994-11-19
7 The Deadly Pyramid1994-11-12
6 Swat Kats Unplugged1994-11-05
5 Cry Turmoil1994-11-05
4 Razor's Edge1994-10-29
3 When Strikes Mutilor1994-09-24
2 A Bright and Shiny Future1994-09-17
1 Mutation City1994-09-10
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Katastrophe1993-12-04
12 Enter the Madkat1993-11-27
11 The Ci-Kat-A1993-11-20
10 Metal Urgency1993-11-13
9 The Ghost Pilot1993-11-06
8 Chaos in Crystal1993-10-30
7 Night of the Dark Kat1993-10-23
6 Bride of the Pastmaster1993-10-16
5 The Metallikats1993-10-09
4 Destructive Nature1993-10-02
3 The Wrath of Dark Kat1993-09-25
2 The Giant Bacteria1993-09-18
1 The Pastmaster Always Rings Twice1993-09-11

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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