
Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Der 10 jährige Magielehrling Negi wird an einer Mädchenschule Lehrer für Englisch. Ein so junger Lehrer umgeben von lauter pupertären Schülerinnen sorgt an der Schule ganz schön für Aufregung. Und dabei wissen die Schülerinnen nicht einmal, das Ihr Lehrer Magie bewirken kann. Dies zu verheimlichen, aber auch andere Umstände sorgen durchgehend für gute Unterhaltung. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy | Fantasy | Romance
Erstausstahlung: 2004-08-25 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min

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Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 I will not say that I am lonely! Because, I have faith that we will surely meet again!2007-03-28
25 And with that, the case is closed!2007-03-21
24 Professor Negi, it appears this is the climax. Let's all go home together, Negi!2007-03-14
23 Wait, you can't do that, Negi! That's right, because we're your partners!2007-03-07
22 Aiya! Something strange is beginning to happen! This must surely be the end of the world!2007-02-28
21 A man silently eats his Ramen Takamichi. What the hell does that even mean?2007-02-21
20 They say, bigger the blander, but that's not necesarily true in actuality.2007-02-14
19 It's great to go back to being a kid again and having fun. Although, I can have fun without going back to being a kid, too.2007-02-07
18 There's a bastard who gets all happy with secrets, then reveals them, and it really pisses me off. Chiu-Chiu is going to get ang2007-01-31
17 Natsumi, family will always be the home run king of bonds. Don't you agree? I don't understand what you mean at all, Chizuru.2007-01-24
16 Yesterday's foe is today's friend. Good enough friends to have fights. No doesn't always mean no.2007-01-17
15 The class is growing disquiet at the unexpected turn of events. So they're getting louder? 15 points.2007-01-10
14 Frankly speaking, in the face of magic, scientific theory might as well be nonexistent2007-01-03
13 Rather than a question of you being the enemy, the issue is really whether or not you are a nuisance to the Master.2006-12-27
12 After much quibbling, in the end all it comes down to is how you feel.2006-12-20
11 Huh, so the Baron is a kind of rose. I thought it was a kind of potato.2006-12-13
10 Professor Negi went behind my back?! I shall never condone such a thing!2006-12-06
9 You hide the 'heart' with a 'sword' and read it as ninja. It is a little different than how you write 'serious' and read it as2006-11-29
8 Professor; please make us adults.2006-11-22
7 Um, I think there are some good things about not being seen, but I do think there are times when it's better to be seen.2006-11-15
6 Pardon me. Might I not be excused with either the forehead or cheek?2006-11-08
5 Security deposits and key fees are expensive in Tokyo. Wait, that's not what the probationary contract's about!2006-11-01
4 Teacher... It's my first time...2006-10-25
3 Oh-ho, so that's how a probationary contract card is used.2006-10-18
2 No way! That's what you do for a probationary contract?!2006-10-11
1 What! 31 students right off the bat?!2006-10-04
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 Nicht für mich, nicht für dich, sondern für uns alle (Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis)2005-06-29
25 Sicherer Tod zu unbestimmter Zeit (Mors certa, mora incerta)2005-06-22
24 Manchmal ist die Feder mächtiger als das Schwert (Et arma et verba vulnerant)2005-06-15
23 Besinne dich deiner Sterblichkeit (Memento Mori)2005-06-09
22 Der Trauernde kann nicht scherzen (Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum)2005-06-01
21 Niemals aufgeben! (Nil desperandum)2005-05-25
20 Du musst daran glauben, um es zu verstehen (Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis)2005-05-18
19 Ein Brief sagt mehr als tausend Worte (Verba volant, scriptamanent)2005-05-11
18 Liebe kennt keine Regeln (Amor ordinem nescit)2005-05-04
17 Liebe verleiht Flügel (Nihil difficile amanti)2005-04-27
16 Liebschaften, die sich nicht verheimlichen lassen (Amor tussisque non celantur)2005-04-20
15 Ein wahrer Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not (Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur)2005-04-13
14 Auf das wir unsere Freundschaft nie vergessen (Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore)2005-04-06
13 Wir Leben um zu lernen (Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas)2005-03-30
12 Lernen oder Aufgeben (Aut disce aut discede)2005-03-23
11 Reden ist Silber, schweigen ist Gold (Cum tacent clamant)2005-03-16
10 Einigkeit macht stark (Ubi concordia, ibi victoria)2005-03-09
9 Ich krieg dich schon, du Angsthase (Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!)2005-03-02
8 Nachts sind alle Katzen grau (Omnes una manet nox)2005-02-23
7 Der Schein trügt (Fallaces sunt rerum species)2005-02-16
6 Die Klippe voraus, die Wölfe im Nacken (A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi)2005-02-09
5 Ein Gerücht wie ein Lauffeuer (Fama volat)2005-02-02
4 Nirgends ist es, wie zu Hause (Nullus locus est instar domus)2005-01-26
3 Liebende sind Verrückt (Amantes, amentes)2005-01-19
2 Aller Anfang ist schwer (Omne initium est difficile)2005-01-12
1 Der Dummkopf im Lehrstuhl (Asinus in cathedra)2005-01-05
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
15 Mahou Sensei Negima! Anime Final2011-08-27
14 Magical Girl Yue2010-11-17
13 Father`s Path, or Master`s Path!? 2010-08-17
12 The Birth of a New Master-Student Combination2010-05-17
11 I`ll Find My Friends! 2009-11-17
10 Catastrophe!? Negi Party!! 2009-09-17
9 Team Negi, Primed and Ready.2009-02-17
8 That Means She`s Definitely the Winner!?2008-11-17
7 Negima Club (temp) is Growing!2008-08-12
6 Magister Negi Magi Negima!? OVA 22006-11-22
5 Magister Negi Magi Negima!? OVA 12006-08-17
4 Introduction Film 32005-03-24
3 Introduction Film 22004-12-21
2 Introduction Film 12004-08-25
1 Mahou Sensei Negima!2004-05-01


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