Mind Games

Clark and Ross Edwards are brothers and partners in a unique agency committed to solving clients’ problems using the hard science of psychological manipulation. Clark is a former professor and a world-renowned expert in the field of human behavior. He has a checkered history due to bipolar disorder, which sometimes results in quirky, manic episodes. His older brother, Ross, is a slick con man who spent time in prison. Each in their own way knows what makes people tick. Drawing from the most cutting edge research in psychology, they can tailor a plan to influence any situation. It’s a little bit science, a little bit con artistry, plus a smattering of Jedi mind tricks. The brothers, along with their team of master manipulators, are offering clients an alternative to fate. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Drama
Erstausstahlung: 2014-02-25 Status: Ended Dauer: 45 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Balloon Boy2014-09-30
12 As God Is My Witness2014-09-30
11 Embodied Cognition2014-08-12
10 N.D.E2014-08-05
9 The Sweet Science2014-07-29
8 Royal Fiasco2014-07-22
7 Judge Not2014-07-22
6 Texts, Lies and Audiotape2014-07-15
5 Cauliflower Man2014-03-25
4 Apophenia2014-03-18
3 Pet Rock2014-03-11
2 Asymmetric Dominance2014-03-04
1 Pilot2014-02-25

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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