
Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Robotomy was a Cartoon Network American animated television series created by Michael Buckley & Joe Deasy, directed by Christy Karacas (Superjail!), voice directed by Michael Sinterniklaas, and produced by World Leaders Entertainment. The series was developed after a long series of unaccepted ideas, and occasionally put in and out of production due to changing executives.It was officially announced on August 13th, 2010 and premiered on October 25th, 2010. Robotomy was canceled on January 24, 2011 due to production costs and low foreign appeal. Thrasher and Blastus are two outsider robots that live on the planet of Insanus (originally called Killglobe). Insanus is a planet inhabited by murderous robots who seek to kill one another for no apparent reason. Slightly less horrific than their peers, the duo seek to make it through high school, and navigate their lives with varying degrees of success. While Thrasher wishes to gain the affections of an attractive female robot named Maimy, Blastus just wants to be recognized as popular. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 2010-10-25 Status: Ended Dauer: 11 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
10 From Wretchneya With Love2011-01-24
9 Nana's Run2011-01-17
8 The Trials of Robocles2011-01-10
7 Mean Green2011-01-03
6 Field of Screams2010-11-29
5 El Presidente2010-11-22
4 Playdate2010-11-15
3 No Child Left Benign2010-11-08
2 Bling Thing2010-11-01
1 Frenemy2010-10-25


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